Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Escape from Flatland

These are two characteristics of the Universe that are known to be true:

1. Everything in the Universe is moving away from everything else.
2. We exist in 3 spacial dimensions plus the fourth dimension that is space-time.

It is explained to us as thus:

As dots on the surface of an expanding balloon all move away from each other, our expanding universe is "flat", but is curved through space-time.

As the Flatlanders are trapped in their existence of a 2 dimensional world, they are unable to perceive the 3rd spacial dimension. To them living on the surface of their expanding balloon universe, everything IS moving away from each other. And for them the 3rd dimension is known as "space-time".

We being of higher dimensional quality, know them to be mistaken.

There is no center to their universe, no origin point of their "Big Bang" (perhaps they call their first moment something else, as the final moment of their expanding balloon universe would seem to beg to be called...). It can only exist out there in the constructs of that extra-dimension space-time.

Again we know them to be mistaken. We being of higher dimensional quality can easily point to a place in space where the center of their universe existed as a shrunken deflated balloon. Perhaps it is our balloon that they exist on. And we blow up our balloon and create their expanding universe. Are we their God then too?

But what of us...?

Fortunately we are free from this sort of subservience, as we know that there is no center to our universe and no origin for our Big Bang- the constructs of that can only exist in that extra dimension space-time.

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