Saturday, May 19, 2012

Making Plans For Nihilist

Time is NOT the 4th dimension. It is just as inaccurate for us to say that as it would be for the Flatlanders to pronounce that time was the 3rd dimension. Time is a separate function or condition.

This shouldn’t affect Einstein’s or String Theorist’s views of the Universe. The net result is the same. It just clears up our perception of the actual system.

The probability cloud of an electron about the nucleus of an atom is not representation of all possible resultant conditions. This implies time. It is the recognition that the electron actually occupies all space through multi-dimensions of space. Hence a condition of being.

So perhaps our Flatlander friends are not actually flat. It is just that they can only perceive flat (two dimensions). And so perhaps then we too are not just three dimensional. It is that we can only perceive three dimensions. We are only able to experience the three dimensional tip of a multi-dimensional iceberg!

The apparent dual nature of light is an example of this. Particle or wave? This is just the result of our limited ability to perceive the higher orders of dimensions. Just as our perceiving of time as linear is a misperception of the time “function”.

But what is time then? And how does it relate or interact? I feel another blog topic coming on...

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