Sunday, June 3, 2012

Time For Time

Time is the 0 dimension. It exists before/with everything else. That is to say- as soon as you have at least one spatial dimension there is also time.

Time is not the fourth in a sequential procession of dimensions. The 2D Flatlanders perceive time. As I said as I began a previous blog entry it would be incorrect for the Flatlanders to pronounce that time was the 3rd dimension. And so it would be just as inaccurate for us to say that time is the 4th dimension. Time can not be a higher dimensional order since we are physically incapable of perceiving the higher orders of dimensions.

Therefore, time has to be a separate function or condition. Perhaps an underlying extra-dimensional condition.

Time can be defined as the perception of a change in condition. It is only just that. And only just that important. Nothing more, nothing less. If absolutely nothing changes- then there is no time. There are implications for Einstein or String Theorists. That is inevitable, but by of the basic assumptions about time that are incorrect.

Everything is everywhere at anytime as observed at the quantum level. This is correct. Infinite numbers of realities before and after is correct. Time is the perceived construct of moving from one conditional change to another, both forward and back.